
Iron Man (2008) Full Movie - Robert Downey Jr. | Terrence Howard | Gwyneth Paltrow | Jeff Bridges | Samuel L. Jackson


Iron Man (2008) Full Movie Story:-

Tony Stark, who has acquired the protection project worker Stark Industries from his late dad Howard Stark, is in war-torn Afghanistan with his companion and military contact, Lieutenant colonel James Rhodes, to exhibit the new "Jericho" rocket. After the showing, the guard is trapped and Stark is fundamentally injured by a rocket utilized by the assailants: one of his organization's own. He is caught and detained in a cavern by a psychological oppressor bunch called the Ten Rings. Yinsen, an individual hostage specialist, embeds an electromagnet into Stark's chest to keep the shrapnel shards that injured him from arriving at his heart and killing him. Ten Rings pioneer Raza offers Stark opportunity in return for building a Jericho rocket for the gathering, yet he and Yinsen realize that Raza won't keep his statement. 

Obvious and Yinsen subtly fabricate a little, amazing electric generator called a bend reactor to control Stark's electromagnet and a model suit of controlled defensive layer to support their break. In spite of the fact that they keep the suit concealed nearly to fulfillment, the Ten Rings find their prisoners' expectations and assault the studio. Yinsen penances himself to redirect them while the suit drives up. The shielded Stark fights right out of the cavern to find the perishing Yinsen, then, at that point, consumes the Ten Rings' weapons out of frustration and takes off, smashing in the desert and obliterating the suit. Subsequent to being safeguarded by Rhodes, Stark gets back and declares that his organization will stop producing weapons. Obadiah Stane, his dad's old accomplice and the organization's chief, prompts Stark that this might destroy Stark Industries and his dad's heritage. In his home studio, Stark forms a sleeker, all the more impressive variant of his ad libbed reinforcement suit just as an all the more remarkable curve reactor for itself as well as his chest. Individual aide Pepper Potts places the first reactor inside a little glass feature. However Stane demands subtleties, a dubious Stark chooses to remain quiet about his work. 

At a cause occasion held by Stark Industries, journalist Christine Everhart illuminates Stark that his organization's weapons were as of late conveyed to the Ten Rings and are being utilized to assault Yinsen's home town, Gulmira. Obvious wears his new covering and travels to Afghanistan, where he saves the locals. While flying home, Stark is assaulted by two F-22 Raptors. He uncovers his mysterious character to Rhodes via telephone trying to end the assault. In the mean time, the Ten Rings accumulate the bits of Stark's model suit and meet with Stane, who has been dealing arms to the Ten Rings and has organized an overthrow to supplant Stark as Stark Industries' CEO by employing the Ten Rings to kill him. He stifles Raza and has the remainder of the gathering killed. Stane has a gigantic new suit picked apart from the destruction. Trying to follow his organization's unlawful shipments, Stark sends Potts to hack into its data set. She finds that Stane recruited the Ten Rings to kill Stark, however the gathering reneged when they understood they had an immediate course to Stark's weapons. Potts meets with Agent Phil Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D., an insight office, to illuminate him regarding Stane's exercises. 

Stane's researchers can't copy Stark's scaled down curve reactor, so Stane ambushes Stark at his home and takes the one from his chest. Obvious figures out how to get to his unique reactor to supplant it prior to kicking the bucket. Potts and a few S.H.I.E.L.D. specialists endeavor to capture Stane, yet he wears his suit and assaults them. Unmistakable battles Stane yet is outclassed without his new reactor to run his suit at full limit. The battle conveys Stark and Stane to the highest point of the Stark Industries building, and Stark trains Potts to over-burden the huge bend reactor driving the structure. This releases a gigantic electrical flood that makes Stane and his defensive layer fall into the detonating reactor, killing him. The following day, at a question and answer session, Stark freely confesses to being the superhuman the press has named "Iron Man". 

In a post-credits scene, S.H.I.E.L.D. Chief Nick Fury visits Stark at home, letting him know that Iron Man isn't "the just hero on the planet", and disclosing that he needs to examine the "Vindicator Initiative".

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