Bachna Ae Haseeno (2008) Full Movie - Ranbir Kapoor | Bipasha Basu | Minissha Lamba | Deepika Padukone | Kunal Kapoor


Bachna Ae Haseeno (2008) Full Movie Story:-

The story portrays the excursion of a youthful playboy named Raj Sharma (Ranbir Kapoor), who meets three young ladies at various stages in his day to day existence: Mahi (Minissha Lamba), a humble community young lady from Punjab; Radhika (Bipasha Basu), a hopeful model in Mumbai; and Gayatri (Deepika Padukone), a non-inhabitant Indian understudy and a cabbie in Sydney, Australia. 

Mahi, 1996 

In 1996, Raj runs into Mahi who's with her companions on the Eurorail during an outing to Switzerland with his companions. Mahi is a sweet, fantastic young lady who has confidence in genuine affection and is expecting to track down her 'Raj' (the fundamental hero from the film Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge) for example her genuine romance. At the point when she misses her train, Raj assists her with arriving at the air terminal through an alternate course. Coming, they share a kiss after Raj peruses her a sonnet he expounded on her. At the air terminal, when she opens the paper on which Raj had composed the sonnet, she thinks that it is clear. Raj gloats to his companions regarding what occurred between the pair and he additionally tells that how he exploited the circumstance when she was distant from everyone else. Mahi catches this and is stunned and grief stricken. Raj understands that she has caught and shamefacedly leaves. 

Radhika, 2002 

In 2002, Raj has moved to Mumbai and got a new line of work with Microsoft as a game fashioner. He is in a live-in relationship with Radhika, a yearning model. He gets a proposal to move to Sydney for a Halo 3 game dispatch. He hopes to have the option to leave Radhika and continue on, expecting she is fit for taking care of a separation. This vision is broken when Radhika proclaims that she means to forfeit her vocation to wed Raj and go along with him in Australia. He makes up motivations to Radhika with the goal that the marriage will not occur, yet she stays firm. Raj, incapable to communicate his responsibility fear, gets onto his trip on the day he is to wed Radhika in the first part of the day. Radhika learns this while hanging tight for him at the enlistment center's office dressed as a lady, and is left dejected and crushed. 

Gayatri, 2007 

In 2007, Raj presently partakes in a fruitful profession alongside Sachin in Sydney. He meets Gayatri, a spunky and autonomous lady who drives a taxi around evening time and review at business college during the day. As they date, he acquires affections for her. He additionally understands that his affections for her test his qualms toward responsibility. He proposes her, yet Gayatri turns him down, saying that she is content with her life as she is and she doesn't put stock in marriage. 

Dismissal cuts Raj profound. He reviews when he broke the hearts of Mahi and Radhika, acknowledging how they probably felt. He chooses to search them out and request pardoning. 

On his re-visitation of India, in Amritsar, in 2008, he first searches out Mahi, who is presently hitched and has two children. Her significant other Joginder (Kunal Kapoor) perceives Raj and takes him out. He faults Raj for Mahi done trusting in affection or sentiment as a result of him, in spite of the fact that he clarifies that she is an ideal housewife and has an ideal home. At Joginder's companion Karan's sangeet service, Raj apologizes to Mahi and persuades her that her significant other is her genuine romance. She opens up to Joginder and pardons Raj. 

Raj then, at that point, looks for Radhika and finds that she has changed her name to Shreya and has turned into a fruitful supermodel. Raj attempts to meet Shreya at an occasion yet she disregards him. He follows her to Capri in Italy where she goes for an excursion. Raj at last meets Shreya however she won't acknowledge his expressions of remorse and lets him know that assuming he truly needs her pardoning, he should work for it. To do this, Raj turns into her own right hand and she causes him to do a wide range of errands, in any event, serving at parties. She embarrasses him on each event, however he stays firm, serving without grumbling. She at last surrenders and lets him know how harmed she had felt in those days, and requests that he leave. In any case, before Raj returns home, she shows up and lets him know that she understood that the base of her disappointment was suppressed disdain against him that she does not bear anymore. 

Content, Raj gets back to Australia. On his return, he tracks down a heap of letters from Gayatri, composed over the a half year he was no more. Raj meets Gayatri in her taxi. She laments turning him down. The sweethearts accommodate and admit their adoration.

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