How to Make Profit in Intra Day Trading

 Intraday trading, also known as day trading, can be a risky but potentially rewarding endeavor. Here's a breakdown of some key concepts to consider to help you potentially profit:

Understanding the Market:

  • Liquidity: Choose stocks with high trading volume, allowing you to enter and exit positions swiftly [].
  • Volatility: Intraday trading thrives on price fluctuations, so look for stocks with historical movement throughout the day [Motilal Oswal].

Entry and Exit Strategies:

  • Technical Analysis: Learn to use charts and technical indicators to identify buying and selling opportunities [Motilal Oswal].
  • Breakouts: Look for stocks breaking out of established price ranges, potentially signaling a trend [Motilal Oswal].
  • Stop-loss Orders: Set stop-loss orders to automatically exit positions if the price moves against you, limiting potential losses [].

Discipline and Risk Management:

  • Small Profits: Aim for consistent small profits rather than chasing big wins [Motilal Oswal].
  • Start Small: Begin with a small amount of capital to minimize potential losses while you learn [Motilal Oswal].
  • Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated on news and events that might affect the market sentiment [].


  • Intraday trading is complex and requires significant practice and knowledge.
  • Many traders lose money.

Before diving in, consider these resources:

  • Paper trading simulators can help you practice without risking real capital.
  • There are many books and online courses available to teach you intraday trading strategies.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice.

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