Monday 11 November 2019


What is Blue Ray?
Blue Rays are just similar to UV Light (Ultra Violet Rays). Blue light is a visible light spectrum with the shortest wavelength with the highest energy. Blue light has some advantages but a long list of disadvantages. Explained below. 

The main source of blue light or blue ray is 'Sun'. Most of us spend a lot of time under the sunshine. And we get a lot of blue light (blue rays) due to exposure under Sun. Doctors say that exposing your skin in Sunlight too much, results in various skin diseases like rashes and itching and other internal diseases. If you stare Sun directly without any glass on will result in 'damage' in the eyes. And if you stare sun on a regular basis without any filter, you'll lose your vision. 

But the man-made or artificial source of blue light (blue rays) which we mostly use for indoor also has a big source of blue light. Like fluorescent and LED lighting, smartphones, laptops, tablets, and flat-screen televisions are artificial sources of blue rays. So we can say that blue light (blue ray) is everywhere.

It's a truth that artificial sources of HEV blue light (blue-ray) produce is much less than the Sun, but we spend a lot more time with these lights than the sun. That's how artificial light sources affect us more than the sun. We use our eyesight much more on the screens than outdoor. Doctors and Health Care Professionals around the world are concerned it this issue. Blurred Vision and even Vision Loss is the consequence of HEV lights overconsumption. 

HEV blue lights rays make the Sky look Blue. Because The short-wavelength, high-energy HEV light rays on the blue end of the visible light spectrum scatter more easily than other visible light rays when they strike air and water molecules in the atmosphere. The higher degree of scattering of these rays makes the cloudless sky look blue.

What are the Side-Effects of HEV Blue Light Rays?
Overconsumption of blue light or blue rays leads to eye problems, vision problems like blurred vision, vision loss, watery eyes, red itchy eyes and other health problems like Cataracts, Muscular Degeneration, and even Cancer. HEV light affects our whole body so it leads to many more health issues. 

What are the Benefits of Blue light?
blue light boosts alertness, helps our memory and cognitive function and makes the mood. It also regulates circadian rhythm which leads to the body's natural waking and sleeping cycle.

If you don't let your children play under sunshine, so it could lead to the weak eyesight and growth/development of the child. 

Is Blue Light filter Glasses Works? Or wearing Blue Rays Cutter Glasses prevent Eyes from the Side-effects of HEV Blue Light (Blue Rays)?
Research has proven that glasses or lenses that block blue rays with wavelengths less than 450 nm (blue-violet light) increase contrast effectively. Therefore, yellow-tinted computer glasses with or lenses may increase comfort and gives you relief when you're viewing digital devices for longer periods of time. Blue light filter glasses or lenses also reduce Digital Eye Strains. And if you have done a contract surgery, It is more important to wear Blue Ray Filter Glasses or Lenses while you're using digital devices.  

You can buy Blue Light Filter Glass from Amazon by clicking the link given above. You can choose your choice's glass or lens from the list which contains hundreds of Blue Light Protector Glasses and Lenses. Check ratings and reviews before buying and comforts price range. Don't go on price, chase the quality. 

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