Sunday 17 January 2021

Acne - 15 Best Worldwide Free Websites for Complete Acne Information with Treatment and Cure

What is Acne?

Acne is a condition under the skin where your hair follicles get stuck with oil and dead skin cells. This condition occurs in whiteheads, blackheads, or pimples too. Acne is very general among teenagers, however, it can affect people of all ages.

Many effective acne treatments are available along with pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads, but acne can be consistent. The pimples and bumps cure slowly, and when one acne begins to go away, others seem to pop up.

Depending on its sensitivity, acne can be a reason for emotional distress and scar the skin. As soon as you start treatment, the lower your risk of such problems.

Symptoms of Acne.

Acne signs different depending on the severity of one's condition:

Blackheads (which are open plugged pores).

Whiteheads (which are closed plugged pores).

Small red, soft bumps (papules).

Large, hard, painful lumps beneath the skin (nodules).

Pimples (pustules), which are filled with pus at their tips.

Painful, pus-filled lumps beneath the skin (cystic lesions).

Acne generally appears on the face, forehead, chest, upper back, and shoulders.

When, you should see a Doctor?

When do you need a Doctor?

If home remedies don't cure your acne/pimples/blackhead/whitehead problems, you should seek the help of your physician/doctor. A medical professional can prescribe effective medications. If acne/pimples/whitehead/blackhead are stubborn or are severe, you should seek medical treatment from a physician who specializes in the skin (dermatologist or pediatric dermatologist).

In older, aged, and adult people, a sudden appearance of severe acne/pimples may signal an underlying disease that requires medical attention.

For many people, acne can persist for years. In many women with flares common a week before menstruation. This type of acne tends to clear up without home remedy/treatment in women who use contraceptives.

FDA (The Food and Drug Administration) stated that some popular nonprescription acne lotions, cleansers, and other skin products can cause a serious reaction. FDA doesn't prescribe it. Generally, this type of reaction is quite rare, so don't connect it with any redness, irritation, or itchiness that occurs in areas where you've applied these types of medications and, or products.

Seek emergency medical help if you experience signs like Faintness, Difficulty breathing, swelling of the eyes, face, lips, or tongue, tightness of the throat, etc after medications.

Top 15 Websites for complete Acne information with proper Treatment, Cure, and Prevention. You can click on the link below to go to the 'Acne' related page directly.

Mayo Clinic

Web MD

Medical News Today


Health Line


Medicine Net


Kids Health

Acne Studios


E Medicine

Cleveland Clinic

Women's Health

NH Sinform

See also:-


Tuesday 12 January 2021

Quinoa - High Quality Tasty Carb Foods for Weight Management, Good Health and High Energy

#1 Quinoa 
Quinoa is a grain that is a kind of a seed that can normally be found everywhere. It comes in three different colors naturally, white, red, and black. All colors are a bit different tasted but beneficial for health in the same way. These are the highest in nutritious value and fiber. These are tasty, healthy, and energetic. Taking carb is necessary for everyone and taking high-quality carbs is very beneficial for everyone. Quinoa gives you all of it. The nutrition value of Quinoa is listed below,

Calories - 120
Water - 72%
Protein - 4.4 grams
Carbs - 21.3 grams
Sugar - 0.9 grams
Fiber - 2.8 grams
Fat - 1.9 grams

Other than it, Quinoa has almost all types of minerals like Manganese, Phosphorus, Copper, Folate, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, etc.

Monday 11 January 2021

Weight Gain Q&A - Some Random Weight Gain Related Questions and Answers

Q. I am allergic to milk but not cheese and curd, can I consume curd after my workout as I want to gain weight?

A. Curd's formation makes it a lot different than milk. Also Cheese. But cheese contains some amount of Lactose. You can consume lactose-free cheese if you doubt that you're lactose intolerant. In other words, you can consume curd for weight gain and lactose-free cheese if you're allergic to milk (fat-free or whole milk). Fats presented in Whole Milk as Ghee and Butter helps to gain weight in the consumer. So drinking Buttermilk 500 to 1000 milliliter a day can increase the weight of a person in some weeks or months if he/she is not lactose intolerant. 

Q. Almonds or sugarcane juice for healthy weight gain?

A. Almonds contain healthy fats, carbohydrates, and protein which definitely increases healthy weight (not fat or bulk). Sugarcane Juice is a natural source of glucose, which can be a primary source of energy during a workout or daily work. Sugarcane juice doesn't help gain much weight but gives you energy. Left glucose in the body turns into glycogen when you sleep and glycogen turns into bulk mass when you don't use it. So basically, sugarcane juice gives instant energy and rarely left as glycogen in the body. So you can use sugarcane juice for energy and almond juice or whole almonds for weight gain. 

Q. I am a 40-year-old woman without a thyroid. What's the reason for weight gain?

A. Thyroid is not the only reason for weight gain. There are multiple reasons behind sudden weight gain. In women, post-pregnancy (after delivery), weight gain is common due to changes in hormone levels. Eating more salt, sugar, ghee, butter, fatty products, eating more at night and less in the day, burning fewer calories than consumption, drinking cold water/liquids, cold foods more than warm and hot foods and liquids can increase slow or sudden fat/bulk weight.