The Jungle Book" (Mowgli) Animated Cartoon Series All Episodes List
"The Jungle Book" (Mowgli) cartoon series is a television show that is based on Rudyard Kipling's novel "The Jungle Book". The show follows the adventures of Mowgli, a boy who was raised by wolves in the jungle.
The show was produced by DQ Entertainment and first premiered in India in 2010. It has been dubbed into several languages and has been broadcasted in many countries around the world.
The series has a total of 3 seasons and 104 episodes. It has been praised for its animation, music, and storytelling. The show is popular among both children and adults and has become a classic in its own right.
The show has also inspired several spin-offs and adaptations, including a live-action film by Disney in 2016.
Season 1:
Mowgli Comes to the Jungle
Baloo's Honey Challenge
Building a New Home
Bagheera's Return
The Wise Baby
The Race
Monkey Business
The Elephant Call
The Battle for the Kingdom
Survival of the Fittest
Treasure of Cold Lair
The Legend of Amber
The Fight for the Throne
Season 2:
The Law of the Jungle
A Flight of Confidence
Sleepy Hollow
Snake Bite
The Jungle Champion
The Voice of Power
The Shadow of the Eagle
The Wise Protector
The Tiger King
The Fall of the Wild
The Monkey Queen
Darzi's Waterfall Rescue
The End of the Wolfpack
Season 3:
The Beginning
The Jungle Tour
Phaona's Nasty Trick
Mowgli's Shadow
Who is the Bravest?
The Jungle Law
The Price of Leadership
The Enemy Within
The Elephant Truce
The Elephant Dance
The Last Waterhole
The Legend of Kaa's Hunting
The First Challenge
The Day the Earth Shook
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