Saturday 22 February 2020


how to increase weight

Question: Does Similac 1 contains DHA and ARA and helps in weight gain, what is the difference between Similac and Similac Advance?
Answer: Similac 1 can never be a replacement for Mother's Milk. It contains many ingredients like protein, carbs, vitamins, and minerals, but all are artificial and causes bloating, gas and indigestion in babies. Similac Advance is a bit better option than Similac 1, but the side effects of bloating and gas remain. Similac 1. Both contain DHA and ARA and helps to gain weight, but excess weight gain is not good for babies. Cow's milk is the best replacement for Mother's Milk. 

Question: Can I use verified to gain weight and what is the dose?
Answer: CLICK HERE  to get the best weight gainers in India. And CLICK HERE for the best weight gainers in the USA. 

Question: Does weight gain go away after stopping the medication of norethisterone controlled-release tablets 10mg?
Answer: Click Here for the Answer.

Question: What is the reason behind no weight gain during successive dialysis?
Answer: Click Here for the answer, and Click Here for more details.

Question: I ate 100 panipuris yesterday. will I gain weight too much?
Answer: 1-day excess eating does not gain much weight. You can expect 200-300 gram weight gain, but after some days, it will back to normal weight. 

Question: Is Tendonex 4D cause weight gain?
Answer: Tendonex 4D does not gain weight. But every medicine for a longer period of time causes some weight gain (especially antibiotics). Click Here to know more about Tendonex Medicine. 

Question: If anyone regularly takes Tadka Dal will that person gain weight?
Answer: Of course. Due to excess oil or ghee, a person can gain weight if his/her metabolism is low. If your metabolism rate is high, you won't gain any weight from ghee or oil. 

Question: Can we eat soaked chana in an empty stomach to increase weight?
Answer: Yes you can. It's the best way to develop a healthy weight. Nutrients in Gram increase your power, size, and potency. Don't throw the water of soaked grams, mix some honey and drink it for more benefit. 

Question: Dexona tablets se kitne din me weight gain hota h (डेक्सोना टेबलेट से कितने दिनों में वेट गेन होता है?)
Answer: Dexona tablet does not gain weight. Dexona 0.5 MG Tablet is similar to the steroidal hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Dexona 0.5 MG Tablet is used to treat internal and external swelling associated with diseases like asthma, colitis, arthritis, severe skin allergies, etc. It is also used for other conditions like adrenal hormonal insufficiency, certain types of anemia, cerebral edema, etc. (डेक्सोना टैबलेट से वजन नहीं बढ़ता है। Dexona 0.5 MG Tablet अधिवृक्क ग्रंथियों द्वारा निर्मित स्टेरॉयड हार्मोन के समान है। Dexona 0.5 MG Tablet का उपयोग अस्थमा, कोलाइटिस, गठिया, गंभीर त्वचा एलर्जी आदि से संबंधित आंतरिक और बाहरी सूजन के इलाज के लिए किया जाता है। इसका उपयोग अन्य स्थितियों जैसे अधिवृक्क हार्मोनल अपर्याप्तता, कुछ प्रकार के एनीमिया, मस्तिष्क संबंधी शोफ, आदि के लिए भी किया जाता है।)

Question: Gibtulio tablet is for weight gain or loss?
Answer: If you have type 2 diabetes, your pancreas is not releasing enough insulin to burn glucose presented in the body and this makes your body to gain weight. Gibtulio tablet is for treating type 2 diabetes, so it helps burning glucose by forcing the pancreas to make insulin. So indirectly, it helps you lose weight. 

Question: Are oats and chicken together gain weight?
Answer: Oats helps you reduce weight because oats have lots of fibers and minerals and high-quality protein and carbs in it. And chicken is all protein. So basically oats and chicken reduce excess weight and build muscles. 

Question: Does power gummy make you gain weight?
Answer: Power Gummies Hair Vitamin only contains vitamins like Vitamin A (Retinol Acetate), Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol), Vitamin E DL-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate, Vitamin B6 (as pyridoxine), Hydrochloride, Vitamin B12, Cyanocobalamin, Pantothenic, Zinc Iodine. So it helps you reduce weight as well as improving hair quality. Click Here to buy it from Amazon India. And Click Here for the USA. 

Question: Do boiled chicken breast and boiled rice make weight gain or loss?
Answer: Rice is a quality carb source because it is a complex carbohydrate enriched with fibers and minerals. And boiled chicken is all protein. So eating boiled chicken with boiled rice increases quality weight and helps burning fat and bulk.  

Question: Locky kofta cause weight gain made with the help of besan?
Answer: Locky (Gourd) is a green vegetable, so it does not gain weight. It is healthy food. And Besan (gram flour) contains both protein, carbs, and also some fat with lots of fibers, vitamins, and minerals. If Kofta made with little or no oil, then it's ok for health purposes, but if it's fried in oil, it will surely gain your weight. Because oil is all fat and it also transforms gram flour into a fat ball. 

Question: Ragi can give to baby for weight gain?
Answer: Ragi is very beneficial and healthy for babies and kids. But it does not increase weight. it increases some weight if the baby is weak and reduces weight if the baby has excess weight. 

Question: I am allergic to milk but not cheese and curd can I consume curd after my workout as I want to gain weight?
Answer: Yes you can eat. Curd is more beneficial than milk in both taste, effectiveness, and digestion. It has extra amino acids and helps you build muscles more than milk. 

Question: I am allergic to milk but not cheese and curd, can I consume curd after my workout as I want to gain weight?
Answer: Yes! Curd is the best source of amino acids. It also contains dietary carbs and fibers. You'll gain quality weight, which means more muscles than fat and bulk so it's the best choice because curd has the most biological value protein (whey protein) inside. 

Question: Almonds or sugarcane juice for healthy weight gain.
Answer: Almonds and sugarcane both have a good source of carbohydrates in the form of solids and glucose. Both can increase weight but don't consume both at the same time. Consume at different times. For weight gain, eat almonds with milk at night and sugarcane juice in the morning. 

Question: I am a 40-year-old woman without thyroid What's the reason for weight gain
Answer: There're multiple reasons for weight gain. Overeating. Consuming more carbs at night and overeating at night. Fast foods and simple carbohydrate consumption in more quantity. Less protein eating, more fat eating. You can develop fat in the body if you eat 2-3 times a day (more carbs and fat). Eat less carb and fat and don't eat more at night (after sunset). Eat more protein, vegetables, and fibers and consume more water and give up alcohol and smoking if you want to reduce weight. 

Question: Is hypothyroidism increase body weight?
Answer: Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones to meet the needs of the body. The thyroid is underactive.

Thyroid hormones directly affect multiple organ systems in the body. The symptoms of hypothyroidism are wide-ranging and diverse.

The thyroid creates two thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). These regulate metabolism, and they also affect the following functions:

brain development
skin dryness
menstrual cycles
heart and nervous system functions
body temperature
muscle strength
cholesterol levels

Question: Is oats and chicken together gain weight?
Answer: Yes! Oats are the source of high-quality complex carbohydrates and chicken is the source of high-quality protein. Both develop muscles and bulk mass. If you workout or exercise, oats and chicken is the best diet for you for protein and carbs for muscle, fuel, and strength. Eat oats with milk and chicken with rice for weight gain. 

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