How to Properly Boil Egg - Complete Step by Step Tutorial

 Here's how to perfectly boil eggs, along with how long to cook them depending on your desired yolk consistency:


  • Eggs (amount depending on how many you need)
  • Cold water
  • Pinch of salt (optional)


  1. Place eggs in a pot: Gently place your eggs in a saucepan or pot big enough to hold them in a single layer.

  2. Add cold water: Fill the pot with cold water to cover the eggs by at least an inch.

  3. Salt (optional): You can add a pinch of salt to the water, which some people believe helps with peeling later.

  4. Bring to a boil: Place the pot on the stove and heat it over high heat. Bring the water to a rolling boil.

  5. Cooking time (depending on desired yolk):

    • Runny yolk (3-4 minutes): Once the water boils, remove the pot from the heat and cover it. Let the eggs sit in the hot water for 3-4 minutes for a very runny yolk and slightly set whites.
    • Soft-boiled yolk (6-7 minutes): If you prefer a slightly firmer yolk but still with a soft center, let the eggs cook in the hot water for 6-7 minutes.
    • Medium-boiled yolk (8-9 minutes): For a yolk that's more cooked through but still slightly soft, cook for 8-9 minutes.
    • Hard-boiled yolk (10-12 minutes): For a completely solid yolk, cook the eggs for 10-12 minutes.

Cooling and Peeling:

  • Ice bath: After cooking, immediately transfer the eggs to a bowl filled with ice water. This stops the cooking process and makes them easier to peel. Let them sit in the ice bath for at least 14 minutes.
  • Peeling: Once cool, peel the eggs by gently cracking the shell all over under running cold water. This will help loosen the membrane and make peeling easier.


  • Older eggs are easier to peel: For easier peeling, use eggs that are a few days old rather than very fresh ones.
  • Start with cold water: Using cold water helps prevent the eggs from cracking during boiling.
  • Adjust for altitude: If you live at a high altitude, you might need to adjust the cooking time slightly as water boils at a lower temperature there.

With these steps, you should be able to boil eggs perfectly every time!

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